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The advantages and disadvantages of mCommerce

Dan Bond
August 17, 2023
10 mins

mCommerce has flipped the script on how we shop and how businesses roll. Mobile shopping isn't just a trend; it's the new normal in modern retail.

According to Statista, mCommerce retail sales in the UK hit nearly £92 billion in 2023. And the forecast? It's looking tasty - expected to surpass £109 billion by 2027.

With mobile devices becoming the go-to for many shoppers, businesses must get with the program. Optimize your mobile platforms, offer a seamless and intuitive shopping experience, and stay ahead. It's all about making it easy and fun for your customers to shop on the go.

What is mCommerce?

mCommerce, or mobile commerce, refers to commercial transactions carried out through mobile apps or websites. It involves purchasing and selling goods and services using devices like iPhones, iPads, Android smartphones, etc.

With ongoing improvements in mobile technology, mCommerce has emerged as a vital component of online shopping. It allows businesses to increase retail sales via integrated shopping channels, mobile banking, and emerging innovative opportunities.

Forecast number of mobile users worldwide from 2020 to 2025(in billions) via Statisa

The five primary forms of Commerce

1. Mobile shopping

This common form involves customers using mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, to navigate mobile-friendly online stores, compare items, and make purchases.

2. Mobile banking

Mobile banking apps allow customers to manage their accounts, transfer money, and carry out various financial transactions.

3. Mobile payments

Users can make contactless payments in stores or online through digital wallets, mobile payment apps, and Near Field Communication (NFC) technology.

4. Mobile ticketing

Tickets for various events, including airlines and movies, can be bought and stored conveniently on mobile devices.

5. Mobile coupons and loyalty programs

Mobile apps often offer discounts, vouchers, and loyalty rewards, enhancing the shopping experience.

Examples of mCommerce

In the rapidly evolving landscape of mCommerce, various platforms and payment solutions have emerged to facilitate seamless transactions and enhance user experience.

For instance, eBay has integrated mobile-friendly features that allow users to buy and sell items quickly and on the go. Payment solutions like PayPal and Apple Pay have become indispensable, offering mobile shoppers secure and convenient payment options.

Google Pay provides a streamlined payment process, making it easier for users to complete transactions with just a few taps.

Uber Eats has revolutionized the food delivery industry by leveraging mCommerce to offer quick and efficient delivery services directly to customers' doorsteps.

The difference between eCommerce and mCommerce

eCommerce and mCommerce power the modern shopping experience, yet they stand on distinct grounds. eCommerce, or electronic commerce, operates through the broad digital landscape, encompassing transactions over any electronic device.

On the other hand, mCommerce, or mobile commerce, is explicitly tailored for transactions conducted via mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. This approach leverages the power of mobile technology to allow for convenient and personalized shopping experiences.

The primary difference lies in their accessibility and usage context. While eCommerce offers the flexibility of shopping from any device with internet connectivity, mCommerce capitalizes on the ubiquitous nature of mobile devices.

Mobile commerce is not just about shopping from anywhere but with ease and efficiency, using interfaces designed explicitly for smaller screens and on-the-go interactions. Push notifications, mobile wallet integration, and location-based services enhance mCommerce, bridging the gap between physical and digital realms in ways eCommerce cannot.

mCommerce thrives on the potency of immediacy. The ability to make purchases or conduct transactions instantly, bolstered by biometric authentications like fingerprint and facial recognition, defines the mCommerce experience. In contrast, although secure, eCommerce transactions often require a more time-consuming authentication process.

The benefits of mCommerce for retailers


Mobile commerce allows customers to shop at their own pace and time, despite their location. This means they can browse products, compare prices, and purchase with just a few taps on their mobile devices.

The ability to shop on the go without the constraints of store hours or physical locations significantly enhances the customer's shopping experience. This increased accessibility simplifies the shopping process and encourages impulse buying, which can lead to increased sales.


Mobile apps can collect and analyze user data such as browsing habits, purchase history, and location. With this information, businesses can offer personalized recommendations, creating a shopping experience tailored to each individual's preferences.

This level of personalization helps build customer loyalty and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.

Conversion improvements

Many businesses have noticed a substantial increase in sales after adopting mCommerce strategies. The reasons are that mobile platforms can attract a more extensive customer base, provide a more straightforward user experience, and tend to be used by a more loyal audience.


mCommerce provides businesses with the opportunity to use geolocation targeting. Mobile devices with GPS capabilities allow businesses to target customers with location-specific promotions.

For example, a retail store could send a promotional offer to customers in or near their store, increasing their chances of purchasing.

Mobile commerce revenue and share of total retail e-commerce worldwide from 2017 to 2028 via Statista

The disadvantages of mCommerce for eCommerce retailers 


Due to the broad range of networks and connections they access, mobile devices are particularly vulnerable to data breaches and theft. This susceptibility raises significant concerns for online transactions, where sensitive information like credit card numbers and personal details are exchanged.

Secure transactions are paramount for businesses to gain customer trust and prevent potential financial and reputational damage. To mitigate these risks, retailers must invest in robust security measures like encryption and secure payment gateways.

Screen size

While smartphones and tablets offer the convenience of mobility, their limited screen size can complicate the shopping process, especially for specific items or services that require more detailed viewing or complex configurations.

This can lead to customers abandoning their carts or shopping on larger devices, impacting conversion rates and sales.

Network coverage

Connectivity issues can arise in areas with poor or unstable network coverage, leading to transaction failures or slow loading times. These technical difficulties can cause significant customer frustration, leading to a negative shopping experience and potentially damaging the retailer's reputation.

Therefore, retailers must ensure their mobile platforms are optimized for performance even in low-connectivity scenarios.


Not all mobile online stores are compatible with every device or operating system. For instance, an app designed for iOS may not work on Android devices, and vice versa. This can restrict the customer base and affect the business's market reach. Retailers must consider this when developing their mobile apps and strive to make their platforms accessible across different devices and operating systems.

User experience

If mobile apps or websites are challenging to navigate, have a complex checkout process, or are riddled with bugs and errors, it can deter customers from using them. A poorly designed app or website can lead to customer dissatisfaction and potentially result in lost sales.

Therefore, retailers must invest in user-friendly design, regular testing, and updates to ensure a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.

mCommerce recommendations

Create intuitive mobile apps

Developing a user-friendly mobile app that offers a seamless shopping experience can make it easier for customers to browse and purchase products. Investing resources in the design and functionality of these apps can significantly enhance the user experience.

A simple, easy-to-navigate interface, fast-loading pages, and a straightforward checkout process are all critical elements of a successful mobile app.

To do so, UX research should be conducted to ensure the interface is optimized for the target audience. Understanding user behavior, preferences, and pain points can guide the design process and create an app that meets customer needs.

Incorporating features like personalized recommendations, product filters, and customer reviews can augment the shopping experience. Personalized recommendations can make customers feel valued and simplify their search for products, while filters help them quickly find what they want. On the other hand, customer reviews provide social proof and can influence purchasing decisions.


With the variety of devices and screen sizes today, businesses must enhance their websites' mobile compatibility. This means making the site easily navigable on smaller screens and ensuring it remains visually attractive.

Implementing responsive web design can help achieve this by automatically adjusting the layout and content of the website to fit different screen sizes. Page load speed is another critical aspect to consider. Slow loading times can frustrate users and lead to high bounce rates.

Businesses should optimize their mobile websites to load quickly, even on slower internet connections. This can involve compressing images, minimizing the use of heavy scripts, and implementing caching techniques.


Establishing secure payment systems is paramount in safeguarding customer information and building user trust. Ensuring transactions are encrypted and incorporating reliable payment gateways can protect sensitive data from being intercepted or misused.

This commitment to security can reassure customers that their personal and financial information is safe, encouraging them to continue shopping through the platform.

Use of push notifications

These can be an effective tool for engaging customers with relevant and timely information. However, excessive messaging can fatigue notifications, causing users to ignore or uninstall the app. It's essential to strike a balance, using push notifications to provide value without overwhelming the user.

Analyze user behavior data

Analytical tools allow businesses to track user activity, identify trends, and understand what drives user engagement and conversions. This information can inform decision-making, helping to tailor marketing strategies, improve product offerings, and enhance the overall customer experience.

The future of mCommerce

Observing businesses' practices on social media platforms like Instagram provides a glimpse into this future. They are finding new ways to promote their products and drive purchases directly within these social media apps.

Furthermore, the capacity to customize notifications sent directly to customers' smart devices creates a close connection between the consumer and the business. With insights into customer preferences, businesses have increased opportunities to secure a sale.

Mobile wallets and contactless payments will also continue to play a significant role in the future of mCommerce. As security measures improve, and with their convenience, more people will likely adopt these digital payment methods.

mCommerce offer ideas

To stay competitive in the rapidly evolving mCommerce landscape, businesses need to implement innovative offers that capture the attention of mobile shoppers. Here are a few ideas:

Limited-time discounts

Offer time-sensitive discounts exclusively for mobile app users to create a sense of urgency. Flash sales, holiday specials, and countdown deals can entice customers to purchase quickly.

Loyalty programs

Develop a mobile-centric loyalty program where customers earn points for every purchase made through the app. These points can be redeemed for discounts, free products, or unique experiences. Encourage repeat business through tier-based rewards systems that unlock new benefits at higher spending levels.

First purchase incentives

Attract new users to your mobile platform by offering a discount or freebie on their first purchase through the app. This can effectively convert first-time visitors into long-term customers.

App-exclusive products

Introduce products or collections that are exclusively available on your mobile app. By offering unique items that can only be purchased through the app, you create a compelling reason for customers to download and use your mobile platform regularly.

Referral programs

Encourage existing customers to refer friends and family to your mobile app by offering incentives such as discounts or bonus loyalty points for successful referrals. This not only expands your customer base but also leverages word-of-mouth marketing.

Geo-targeted offers

Use geo-fencing technology to send special offers to customers near your physical store or a specific location. Personalized, location-based promotions can drive foot traffic and increase in-store sales.

Seasonal promotions and thematic campaigns

Capitalize on seasons, holidays, or trending themes with special mobile app promotions. For example, offer summer sales, back-to-school discounts, or themed product bundles that align with current events and consumer interests.


Integrate gamified elements within your mobile app to engage users. Features like daily check-in rewards, spin-the-wheel discounts, or purchase-based challenges can enhance user interaction and create a fun shopping experience.

What's your approach to mobile?

The continuous growth of mCommerce emphasizes the need to adapt your website, app, and overall mobile shopping experience for your customers. Ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience on all platforms is key to retaining customers and driving sales.

Remember that a successful mCommerce strategy requires continuous refinement based on customer feedback and behavior. Use analytics tools to track user behavior and gather insights to help you further optimize your mobile platforms.

While the shift towards mCommerce presents its challenges, it also offers immense opportunities for businesses to reach and engage with customers in new and innovative ways.

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